History of this Site Fight over the UNOfficial Glambert Number List

  1. Adam Lambert soars on American Idol Season 8
  2. Thousands flock to the American Idol forum site and an inspired fan named Chaotica start the Glambert Number List. (Although, I have heard some chatter there is another Glambert that may have conceived of and started the 'LIST' prior to Chaotica)
  3. Adam's official site comes online in May of 2009.
  4. In September of 2010 the original author Chaotica posts an offer to add Glambert numbers on the AdamOfficial.com forum (probably because of the shift from Idol to Adams' RCA run website)
  5. The last verifiable posting (issuing) of numbers by Chaotica was on August 27th, 2011
  6. 19 months pass on the AdamOfficial Glambert number thread and Chaotica has not been available to respond.
  7. Several members offer to help with the list.
  8. No moderator response was ever given over this 19 month period
  9. On March 22, 2013 fans begin asking for numbers and the thread is bumped - as usual, no response from the moderator
  10.  I (noskerdycat) decided to offer to set up the list and then hand it over to a couple of folks who like to administrate. 
  11. The AO moderator steps in and decides that the list is not above board if managed off of AdamOfficial because the request form on this site requires an email address and the name is infringing on the word Glambert which she inaccurately claims is trademarked by Adam.
  12. Site Page that started it all
  13. I respond to her nicely
  14. The AO Flash Mod decides she is better qualified to take over the list and call it an OFFICIAL list to avoid possible abuse of people's personal information.
  15.  I respond to her not quite as nicely and question her reasoning.
  16.  I agree to shut down this site's Glambert Number form and notify the 7 people that their numbers are null. Here is the notice.
  17. I respond on AO thanking those that took the time to acknowledge my efforts and I respond to Flash Mod with a snarky request to please remove insinuations that someone tried to seize the list and abuse personal information - as that WAS NOT TRUE!
  18. All posts regarding the controversy are deleted from the thread by FlashMod - See Posts Screen Capped
  19. FlashMod creates a post in the VENT section of the AO forum reminding folks this is where they are to discuss the ordeal about noskerdycat.
  20. BUT, I am banned from posting on AO so there is no opportunity for me to correct or to remind folks of the original posts that set things into motion and point out the distortion FlashMod has managed to let remain on the threads.
  21. FMOD posts her own snark in the Official Glambert Number Thread. The very snark that she vehemently stated in her VENT post as prohibited on AO.  And in doing so, calls out a member's ID (violates privacy) as reporting a thread and implies that both myself and this member are 'playing games'. Considering the fact that I am blocked..... how would I report a thread on AO? I DID NOT play any games with FMOD by abusing the report button. Period. THE END!
  22. I have decided to change this site to a Glambert Number Fan Card Art site. - Free art to download and print, put your name on ... a number if you have one.... carry in your wallet. No need to register... no need to have a number... if you feel like a Glambert - you are a Glambert - If you want a card - you are welcome to use one on this site... or customize the art and make one of your own.
  23. UPDATE: someone has pointed out to me that 'some' of the deleted posts.... have now RETURNED to AO on the Glambert # thread.....If anyone is playing games... it is NOT ME and I find this whole 'game' so..... UN-Adam-like.

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