Recent Glambert Fan Numbers

2nd Edition Glambert Fan Numbers
Trespassing Era #5197 through #TBD
(in order of most recent)

Hi Glambert fans... well the news is OFFICIAL
your UNOfficial Glambert Fan Numbers posted below are now 
DOUBLE UNOFFICIAL and are considered defunct because the previous UNOfficial List has now been deemed OFFICIAL and will only be moderated by to get ANOTHER OFFICIAL number you have to join and request a NEWLY OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL number from them.

The whole big deal with AO wanting this site closed was because the request form on this site required an email address - that seemed to be a no-no from the Mods at AdamOfficial. Tell me this.... is an email address required to join so you can post a request for a NEWLY OFFICIAL Glambert number? HUM?
Was an email required at Idol Forums when the first edition of this list got started?

#5206 Cerulean777

#5205 @MetalEmpress

#5204 JanuarySnow

#5203 Sammie-Ma

#5202 essellsari

#5201 UKGlambert

#5200 kittylover7907

#5199 Bippin and Blossom

#5198 IanManbert

#5197 MovieBassets